Webinar: A Behavioural Economics Series | Blogs | IDM

Webinar: A Behavioural Economics Series


What drives our customers to behave in a certain way when faced with making a choice?

Behavioural Economics mixes human psychology and neuroscience to scientifically test what people do in decision-making scenarios.

This field of study provides a scientific framework to use in marketing – all based on empirical evidence and the science of how decision-making is determined.

It certainly isn’t a silver bullet that will allow you to manipulate humans into buying your product or service.

However behavioural economics provides techniques to help you harness your customers’ unconscious biases within your marketing campaigns – we analysed a particularly famous example by Levi’s, here.

We recognise that people want to reduce the time and effort spent on the sheer volume of decisions each day. People don’t have the time, energy or desire to laboriously and logically weigh up each decision.

Instead, they rely on shortcuts to decide more quickly.

These shortcuts allow people to make more efficient decisions. But these shortcuts are also prone to biases.

People don’t always act in the way you expect: not only do they not always make the “best” decision, they sometimes don’t even do the things they told you they would.

To help you discover this rich field of marketing practice we’ve got three, free webinars for you to tune in to and learn from, accessible here:

Webinar 1: Introduction to Behavioural Science

  • What is Behavioural Economics?
  • Why you should use behavioural economics in marketing
  • Ways you can harness behavioural economics
  • Example marketing from other brands

Webinar 2: Introduction to the Behavioural Economics Framework

  • Discover the MINDSPACE and EAST frameworks
  • Understand cognitive biases and heuristics
  • Dig into example marketing from other brands

Webinar 3: Behavioural Economics and Effectiveness

  • Effectiveness: Examples and ideas of how to use BE in marketing and communications
  • Unravel micro and macro issues
  • Example marketing from other brands

By the end of these three webinars you’ll takeaway new concepts and techniques to better understand how unconscious biases can be applied within your marketing.

And you’ll see improvements in marketing performance, straightaway.

To further your interest and build on what you learn here, take a look at our Behavioural Economics online learning, run through our Virtual Classroom offering.

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